sábado, 25 de mayo de 2019


Some 4 A students have kindly prepared more sentences with key answers so that we can practise. 

Jorge Salcedo


1. Juan have changed the curtains of my bedroom.

2. My sister is going to feed my dog in twenty minutes.

3. The maid had changed the bedsheets in our hotel in Paris.

4. The mechanic repairs her car.

5. The doctor has fixed me a broken arm today.

1. The judge think that you are the criminal.

2. The news reported that the tornado have caused serious

3. My friends believe that youtubers are rich and live in Andorra.

4. The teacher claim that the new president is better than the old

5. The speaker say that this player is an amazing striker.


1. Juan have changed the curtains of my bedroom.
I have had/got the curtains of my bedroom changed by Juan.
2. My sister is going to feed my dog in twenty minutes.
I am going to have/get my dog fed in twenty minutes by my
3. The maid had changed the bedsheets in our hotel in Paris.
We have had/got the bedsheets in our hotel in Paris changed
by the maid.
4. The mechanic repairs her car.
She has/gets her car repaired by the mechanic.
5. The doctor has fixed me a broken arm today.
I have had/got a broken arm fixed today by the doctor.
1. The judge think that you are the criminal.
- It is thought that you are a criminal.
- You are thought to be a criminal.
2. The news reported that the tornado have caused serious
- It was reported that the tornado have caused serious
- The tornado was reported to have caused serious damage.
3. My friends believe that youtubers are rich and live in Andorra.
- It is believed that youtubers are rich and live in Andorra.
- Youtubers are believed to be rich and live in Andorra.
4. The teacher claim that the new president is better than the old
- It is claimed that the new president is better than the old
- The new president is claimed to be better than the old

5. The speaker say that this player is an amazing striker.
- It is said that this player is an amazing striker.
- This player is said to be an amazing striker.

Pablo Baena

Verb tenses

. I (read).......... during all this year.
2. There's a dead boy in the abandoned house. I think Mark (kill) .......... him. 
3. I remember when we (look) .......... for you for 3 hours.
4. I (be) .......... in the gym until it closes. 
5. I (not want) .......... to do it, but I was forced to do it.

 Key answers

. I (read).......... during all this year (have been reading)
2. There's a dead boy in the abandoned house. I think Mark (kill) .......... him. (has killed).
3. I remember when we (look) .......... for you for 3 hours. (were looking)
4. I (be) .......... in the gym until it closes. (will be)
5. I (not want) .......... to do it, but I was forced to do it. (didn't want)

Fátima González
Passive sentences

1 The firefighters extinguished the fire.

2 They had given their niece a gift. (2)

3 The soldiers are attacking the city.

4 You will break the plate if you keep playing with it.

5 They are going to watch the movie this weekend.

6 Is this the world we created?

7 The students are doing their homework.

8 What did he buy?

9 She didn't make her breakfast.

10 Nobody has ever seen him.

Key answers

1 The firefighters extinguished the fire.
-The fire was extinguished by the firefighters.

2 They had given her niece a gift.
-Their niece had been given a gift by them.
- A gift had been given to their niece by them.

3 The soldiers are attacking the city.
-The city is being attacked by the soldiers.

4 You will break the plate if you keep playing with it.
-The plate will be broken (by you) if you keep playing with it.

5 They are going to watch the movie this weekend.
-The movie is going to be watched this weekend by them.

6 Is this the world we created?
-Is this the world created by us?

7 The students are doing their homework.
-Their homework is being done by the students.

8 What did he buy?
-What was bought by him?

9 She didn't make her breakfast.
-Her breakfast wasn't made by her.

10 Nobody has ever seen him.
-He has never been seen.

Pablo Remedios

1. I was with John in class during the whole morning, so there's no way he has skipped the
2. If I were you, I would go to the dentist revision.
3. Someone has opened the door and I'm totally sure that it has been Sheila, she said she
would arrive by this time.
4. Ryan has an important test tomorrow, so he won't probably come.
5. You had a lot of free time, it was possible for you to read the book.
6. Smoking is not allowed here.
7. We had already finished the work, it wasn't necessary for you to come.
8. You won't probably be able to see a shooting star, but there is a small possibility.
9. If you had listened to me, you wouldn't have been caught by the police.
10. There's no way you can live in Venus.

1. John can't have skipped the lessons because I was with him during the whole morning.
2. You should go to the dentist revision.
3. Sheila must have opened the door, she said she would arrive by this time.
4. Ryan has an important test tomorrow, so he may not come.
5. You could have read the book as you had a lot of free time.
6. You mustn't smoke here.
7. You needn't have come because we had already finished the work.
8. You could see a shooting star.
9. You should have listened to me, so you wouldn't have been caught by the police.
10. You can't live in Venus.

Mercedes Criado

1.Somebody broke into our bungalow last Friday.

2.The teacher told us a joke.

3. He is delivering the letters

4.She had done all the exams.

5.We have to prepare a delicious meal.

Key answers
1.Somebody broke into our bungalow last Friday.
2.The teacher told us a joke.
3. He is delivering the letters
4.She had done all the exams.
5.We have to prepare a delicious meal.

10 Conditional sentences. Leo von Caprivi Montero, 4ºESO
1.- He still hasn’t finished his homework, so he can’t go out with his friends.
- If…
2.- They are driving too fast. They are going to crash.
- Unless..
3.- I didn’t know you were going out , so I stayed at home.
- If…
4.- If you (heat) water, it (boil).
5.- If I (be) you, I (get) a new car.
6.- Press the button to stop the machine.
- If you...
7.- I didn’t feel well yesterday, so I didn’t go to the gym.
-If I…
8.- I would like to buy a new house, but I don’t have enough money.
- If…
9.- She didn’t pass her exams because she didn’t study enough.
- If…
10.- If I (have not/ study) geography, I (have) loved to (be) a
professional football- player.

1.- If he had finished his homework, he could go out with his friends.
2.- Unless they drive slower, they will crash.
3.- If I had known you were going out, I wouldn’t have stayed at home.
4.- Heat/ boils
5.-were/ would get
6.- If you press the button, the machine stops.
7.- If I had felt well yesterday, I would have gone to the gym.
8.- If I had enough money, I would buy a new house.
9.- If she had studied more, she wouldn’t have failed her exams.
10.- hadn’t studied/ would have (loved) to be

Tote Jurado

1) Steve Jobs was the co-founder of Apple. His biological parents gave him up for
2) I was born in 1989. The fall of the Berlin Wall took place in that year.
3) I’ve met the woman. We used to see her in the park.
4) By next week, I will have already bought the phone. Everyone is trying to get it.
5) My parents have gone on holiday to the Andes. There are lots of volcanoes there.
6) The criminal has broken out of prison. His symbol was a red dragon.
7) I love eating the dishes. They are cooked by my grandma.
8) Finally, I talked to the girl. I used to confuse you with her. (Formal and informal)
9) Isaac Newton may well be the best physicist ever. He explained how gravity works.
10) I remember with affection the village. We spent the whole summer there when I
was younger.


1) Steve Jobs, whose biological parents gave up for adoption, was the co-founder of
2)I was born in 1989, when the fall of the Berlin Wall took place.
3) I’ve met the woman (who/that/whom) we used to see in the park.
4) By next week, I will have already bought the phone (which/that) everyone is trying
to get.
5) My parents have gone on holiday to the Andes, where there are lots of volcanoes.
6) The criminal whose symbol was a red dragon has broken out of prison.
7) I love eating the dishes which are cooked by my grandma.
8.1) Finally, I talked to the girl (who/whom/that) I used to confuse you with. (Informal)
8.2) Finally, I talked to the girl with whom I used to confuse you. (Formal)
9) Isaac Newton, who explained how gravity works, may well be the best physicist
10) I remember with affection the village where we spent the whole summer when I
was younger.

Nicolás Calvo

Relative sentences:

1. We climbed a mountain yesterday. It was the highest mountain in Britain.
2. Julie found an injured bird in the garden. She looked after it.
Is the relative pronoun necessary?
3. We ate the sweets which my mother had bought.
4. Is this the boy who plays the piano?
5. This is the picture that Jane painted.

Key answers:

1. The mountain which we climbed yesterday was the highest mountain in
Britain. (the relative can be omitted)
2. Julie looked after the injured bird which/that she found in the garden. (the relative can be omitted)
3. It is not necessary.
4. It is necessary.
5. It is not necessary.

martes, 21 de mayo de 2019


1.-If he ……………………………. (buy) a lottery ticket that morning, his life would have changed. COMPLETE
2.-Unless someone ………………………….. (claim) the prize by 11 pm, the money will be put into the good causes fund. COMPLETE / REWRITE USING “IF”
3.-Give me your address, in case I visit Barcelona. REWRITE USING A MODAL VERB
4.-If you ……………………….. (be) so hard on her, she wouldn’t have burst into tears like that. COMPLETE
5.-I wouldn’t be surprised if you ……………………………..(end up) in a ditch, the way you’re driving.
6.-Last year the prices in this shop were lower. REWRITE WITH “CHEAP”. This year the prices…
7.-I think this exercise is easy. REWRITE WITH “DIFFICULT”. This exercise is …………………………………… I thought.
8.-“Why don’t we go to the concert?” Peter said. REPORTED SPEECH WITH “SUGGESTED”
9.-They left for London. REWRITE WITH A PHRASAL VERB, “SET…”
10.-Mary told Sarah to stop working so hard. CHANGE TO DIRECT SPEECH 
11.-“Don’t use your mobile phone here.” The teacher asked the student. CHANGE TO REPORTED SPEECH
12.-Jill told Marin: “Don’t forget to turn the radio off when you go to bed.” INDIRECT SPEECH WITH “REMINDED”
13.-In the near future, scientists ……………………………….. (work) on the moon. VERB TENSE
14.-Last night Peter …………………. (go) rigid with fear as he ………………. (realise) someone …………………… (come) in his garage. VERB TENSES
15.-“Who is the first on the list?” The new teacher asked. CHANGE TO REPORTED SPEECH
16.-Jim is good at maths. His father is an engineer. JOIN USING A RELATIVE PRONOUN
17.-The test was on Tuesday. I was ill that day. JOIN USING A RELATIVE PRONOUN
18.-This is my friend Sam. He knows how to windsurf. JOIN USING A RELATIVE PRONOUN
19.-I like him. He is so interesting. REWRITE USING “SUCH”
20.-………………. (control) the traffic is not an easy task. CORRECT VERB FORM
21.-He doesn’t really mind……………………… (wait) outside. CORRECT VERB FORM
22.-I always listen to music ………………………. (relax). CORRECT VERB FORM
23.-……………… (invent) things is fun but it is difficult ……………….(make) money from inventions. CORRECT VERB FORM
24.-No me gustan los caracoles porque son babosos. TRANSLATE
25.-¿Te apetece salir otra noche? TRANSLATE
26.-Los libros de tapa dura son más caros que los libros de tapa blanda. TRANSLATE
27.-Since he was 12. WRITE A QUESTION
28.-He is tall and handsome. WRITE A QUESTION
30.-Hace siglos que no veo a tu hermana. La última vez que quedamos fue hace tres meses. TRANSLATE
31.-My brother …………………………(dream) of going to work abroad since he finished university. VERB TENSE
32.-We ……………………………..(finish) cleaning the house by the time the guests arrived.
33.-“Don’t eat that cake now!” He warned me. REPORTED SPEECH
34.- My father is going to give me a guitar for my birthday. (2 PASSIVE SENTENCES)
35.-A new hairdresser has cut my hair. CAUSATIVE FORM
36.-They didn’t go to London, so they didn’t visit their friends. REWRITE WITH A CONDITIONAL SENTENCE
37.-People say my friends are very noisy. CHANGE TO TWO IMPERSONAL FORMS
38.-“Will you come back tomorrow?” My grandma asked me. REPORTED SPEECH
39.-It is possible that a student from my class won the singing contest. REWRITE USING A MODAL VERB
40.-I didn’t revise enough for the test and now I regret it. REWRITE USING A MODAL VERB


1.-I bought a newspaper this morning. (WRITE A QUESTION)
2.-By the time we ……………………… (arrive) at the station our train …………………………. (already/leave).  (CORRECT TENSES)
3.-The last time I went to the cinema was two weeks ago. (REWRITE USING “FOR”)
4.-My husband gave me a watch for my birthday. (CHANGE TO TWO FORMS OF PASSIVE)
5.-I saw Martin a minute ago. (REWRITE USING “JUST”)
6.-A mechanic has repaired my car. (CHANGE TO THE CAUSATIVE FORM)
7.-Three times a week. (WRITE A QUESTION)
8.-I haven’t received my salary, so I cannot go to the concert. (REWRITE USING A CONDITIONAL)
9.-Uniforms are not compulsory in this school. (REWRITE USING A MODAL VERB)
10.-My advice is that you start revising for the final exams. (REWRITE USING A MODAL VERB)
11.-They won’t come to the party if you don’t phone them. (REWRITE USING “UNLESS”)
12.-Mary didn’t finish her project, so she couldn’t apply for the job. (REWRITE USING A CONDITIONAL)
13.- 5. I opened my handbag to find that I ………………………..(forget) my credit card. (CORRECT TENSE)
14.-By this time next month we…………………………….. (FINISH) all our exams. (CORRECT TENSE)
15.-My jacket is being cleaned at a specialist cleaner´s. (CHANGE TO THE CAUSATIVE FORM)
16.- They think that the children are in bed. (CHANGE TO IMPERSONAL FORMS)
17.- 1. She showed me a photograph of her son. Her son is a policeman. (JOIN USING A RELATIVE SENTENCE)
18.- Mr Yates is retiring next month. He has worked for the same company all his life. (JOIN USING A RELATIVE SENTENCE)
19.-People don't expect that the new party will win the election. (CHANGE TO IMPERSONAL FORMS)
It isn’t…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
The new………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
20.- My boyfriend and I ………………………………….. before I moved to America. (PHRASAL VERB WITH “BREAK”)
21.-If you …………………………………………. people you think you are superior. (PHRASAL VERB WITH “LOOK”)
22.-El acusado no asistió al juicio y el juez le ccondenó a pagar una multa. TRANSLATE
23.-Robar en una tienda: _______________   Entrar a robar en una casa: __________
24.- 2. I think it would be a good idea if you joined the beginner's class. (REWRITE USING “SUGGEST”)

25.-That building is quite new. I thought it was older. (REWRITE USING “AS”)
That building is not ..................................................I thought. 

1.-Pam wrote a romantic letter to one of her friends. (WRITE A QUESTION)
2.-I …………………………….….. (SPEAK) to Jane for ages. I’m going to phone her. (CORRECT TENSES)
3.-The last time I saw him was on Monday.  (REWRITE USING “SINCE”)
4.-The manager offered me a new position in the company. (CHANGE TO TWO FORMS OF PASSIVE)
5.-I spent too much money and now I regret it. (REWRITE USING A MODAL VERB)
6.-The new optician is going to check my eyes. (CHANGE TO THE CAUSATIVE FORM)
7.-For two weeks. (WRITE A QUESTION)
8.-I am really worried about the crisis because I don’t have a lot of money. (REWRITE USING A CONDITIONAL)
9.-Next Monday our school is closed because of the bank holiday. (REWRITE USING A MODAL VERB)
10.-Don’t drive so fast. This is my advice. (REWRITE USING A MODAL VERB)
11.-She won’t go on holiday if she doesn’t have enough money. (REWRITE USING “UNLESS”)
12.-She never worked as a doctor because she didn’t finish her degree. (REWRITE USING A CONDITIONAL)
13.- When I arrived at the store I realized I ………………………..(forget) my credit card. (CORRECT TENSE)
14.-With this effective course, we promise that by the end you ………..…………….. (LEARN) 500 new words. (CORRECT TENSE)
15.-An expert decorated Sally’s new flat. (CHANGE TO THE CAUSATIVE FORM)
16.- They think that the children are in bed. (CHANGE TO IMPERSONAL FORMS)
17.- Next weekend I’m going to Glasgow. My sister lives in Glasgow.. (JOIN USING A RELATIVE SENTENCE)
18.- John is one of my closest friends. I have known John for eight years. (JOIN USING A RELATIVE SENTENCE)
19.-People say that they are handsome. (CHANGE TO IMPERSONAL FORMS)
It is…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
20.- Two companies had to close because they couldn’t …………………… financial problems. (PHRASAL VERB WITH “GET”)
21.-If you …………………………………………. people you think you are superior. (PHRASAL VERB WITH “LOOK”)
22.-Según las leyendas locales, un gigante construyó la calzada. TRANSLATE
23.-Este escritor prodría ganar un premio por su último libro de historias cortas. TRANSLATE
24.- I hated driving on the left at first but now it’s ok. (REWRITE USING “USED”)
25.-This car isn’t safe enough to drive. (REWRITE USING “dangerous”)
This car is …………………………………………………………… to drive

lunes, 20 de mayo de 2019


-Reported Speech: statements, questions, orders, suggestions. Reporting verbs.
1.-“There was an accident here yesterday”-He told me.
2.-“Do you write you exams in pencil in this school?”-Peter asked me.
3.-“Put your exams in this box”- The teacher asked the students.
4.-“Don’t use your mobile phone during the lesson” The teacher warned her students.
5.-“Let’s play tennis today”- Mary suggested.

-Passive sentences in different tenses. Double object passive sentences. Impersonal Passive. Causative form.
1.-He is writing a letter in his bedroom.
2.-The tourists have visited the cathedral in the morning.
3.-Mary told us a joke.(2)
4.-They believe that the new coach is very patient.(impersonal)
The new coach……………………………………………………………………………
5.-A cleaning company is cleaning our house. (causative) ………………………………………………………………………………
by a cleaning company. (causative)

-Relative sentences. Defining and Non-defining relative sentences. Complete with relative pronouns. Join two sentences using a relative pronoun. Omit the relative when possible. Add commas when necessary.
1.-The boy ……………………… you saw at the entrance is my brother.
2.-The teacher ………………………….. car was stolen works in my school.
3.-Norba School ……………………… I studied secondary education has a bilingual section.
4.- 1. The parcel reached me this morning. My brother sent it.
5.-The Valley of Jerte is in the north of Cáceres. I was born there.
6.-Peter works at the hospital. His brother is a pilot.

-Verb tenses: present simple, present continuous, past simple, past continuous, present perfect, present perfect continuous, past perfect, predictions with will / may /might, future continuous (will be doing), future perfect (will have done). Complete sentences. Rephrase sentences using the correct tense.
Click HERE to see an activity to complete with verb tenses.
Typical rephrasing with verb tenses:
1.-I visited a lot of places on my tour to UK. (while)
2.-I started learning English six years ago. (for)
3.-I bought this car in 2010. (since)
4.-First I had some cereals. Then I went to bed. (after)
5.-She has been smoking for three years. (ago)

1.-Mary lives with two girls.
2.-My cousin is tall and handsome.
3.-Peter has to finish his project by next Monday.
4.-Robert visited us last week.
5.-The student failed because he didn't revise.

-Connectors. Complete sentences. Rephrase sentences using connectors.
1.-________________ he didn’t revise, he passed the exam with very good marks.
2.-He went to the police station because he wanted to complain about the noise in his area. (in order to)
3.-Peter bought a new car because he didn’t want to share it with his brother. (so as not to / so that)
4.-Although he was very organized, he lost his passport. (However)
5.-Although he studied all night, he failed his exam. (despite)

-Conditional sentences (0, 1, 2, 3). Complete sentences with the correct tense. Rephrase sentences using conditional sentences.
1.-If I were you, I ……………………………. (invest) in this business.
2.-My parents would have been happier if I ……………………… (arrive) earlier.
3.-You can improve your pronunciation speaking with a native person. (If…)
4.-He can’t apply for a job in our country because he doesn’t have a work permit. (If…)
5.-They didn’t go to the party because they had an exam. (If…)

-Modal verbs, simple and perfect. Complete with the correct modal verb. Rephrase sentences using modal verbs.
To complete with modals (simple) click HERE
To complete with modals (simple and perfect) click HERE

Typical rephrasings with modal verbs:
1.-My computer is not working. I’m sure it was damaged during the storm.
2.-In my opinion, you work too much.
3.-Peter had money to buy a new car but he decided to it second hand.
4.-My sister had to finish her project by Monday but she didn’t.
5.-It is not necessary for the students to read the last story. 

-I wish / If only. Complete verb tenses. Rephrase.
1.-It is a shame your brother didn't come to my party.
2.-I don't like she always arrives late.
3.-Your room is a real mess.
4.-I am sorry I couldn't visit you last weekend.


domingo, 12 de mayo de 2019


1.-Be careful. You .......................................... (hurt) yourself. 
2.-Do you know that guy? No, I ............................. (never/speak) to him. 
3.-What ........................................... (you/do) by this time next year?
4.-We missed the beginning of the play. It ............................ (start) half an hour before we arrived. 
5.-Right now they ................................ (work) on a new project. 
6.-Don't speak during the lesson or the teacher .......................... (get) very angry. 
7.-Don't worrry. I ........................... (pay) for the bill. 
8.-By this time next month, we ............................ (finish) our lessons and we .............................. (do) our university entry exams. 
9.-..................... she always ......................... (behave) so rudely?
10.-Next week our students .................................. (visit) the new museum. 
11.-Look at that car. It ........................... (crash)
12.-My sister ............................. (live) in London for three years.

jueves, 2 de mayo de 2019



 You can correct your rephrasings: 



1. Rewrite the sentences using the modal verbs in brackets.

1.It’s possible that Jane will visit Switzerland next year.(could)
Jane could visit Switzerland next year.

2.I’m thinking about taking Spanish lessons.(may)
I may take Spanish lessons.

3.I’m sure they’ll be home by now.(must)
They must be home by now.

4.James definitely isn’t eighteen yet!(can’t)
James can’t be eighteen yet!

5.It’s possible the weather will be sunny tomorrow.(might)
The weather might be sunny tomorrow.

6.I’m sure that Mrs Smith didn’t leave home. (can’t) Mrs Smith can’t have left home.

7.Perhaps she’s gone to stay with her mother. (might) She might have gone to stay with her mother.

8.It’s possible that Mr Smith committed a crime. (may)
Mr Smith may have committed a crime.

9.I’m certain that he buried something in the garden. (must)
He must have buried something in the garden.

10. Perhaps he won the lottery. (could)
He could have won the lottery.

11. I’m sure he bought a new car. (must)
He must have bought a new car.

12.Perhaps Mr Smith murdered his wife. (might)
Mr Smith might have murdered his wife.

13.I'm sure she's at home.(must).
She must be at home.

14.I know that isn't Janet. She's in America. (can’t).
She can’t be Janet. She’s in America.

15.I'm sure she thinks I'm stupid.(must).
She must think I’m stupid.

16.I bet I look silly in this coat.(must).
I must look silly in this coat.

17.They're always buying new cars. I'm certain they have a lot of money. (must).
They must have a lot of money. They are always buying new cars.

2. Rewrite the sentences using a modal verb.

1.It isn’t necessary for you to take a jacket.
You... don’t have to take a jacket.

2. I advise you to see a dentist.
You...should/ought to go to see a dentist.

3.You aren’t allowed to talk during the exam.
You...mustn’t talk during the exam.

4.It’s forbidden to park here.
You... mustn’t park here.

5.I advise you to study harder.
You...should/ought to study harder.

6.He is obliged to go to the police station twice a week.
He...must / has to go to the police station twice a week.

7.Tom knows how to speak Spanish.
Tom...can speak Spanish.

8.He had permission to go to the party.
He...was allowed / could go to the party.

9.It isn’t possible that that is our plane.
That... can’t be our plane.

10.It isn’t necessary to take a thick coat.
You...don’t have to take a thick coat.

11.I wish I had paid for half of the meal, but I didn’t.
I should have paid for half of the meal.

12.It is possible that Jake is in his room.
Jake...may/maight/could be in his room.

13.Perhaps we will not see them at the weekend.
We... may/might not see at the weekend.

14.I don’t know if I will go to the concert.
I may/might go to the concert.

15.They are certain that bringing up children is not easy.
Bringing up children...must not be easy.

16.It is unnecessary for you to come.
You...don’t have to come.

17.I advise him to give up smoking.
He...should give up smoking.

18.Eating chewing-gum in the class is prohibited.
Students...mustn’t eat chewing-gum in the class.

19. There was an obligation to turn off the mobile phone.
We...didn’t have to turn off the mobile phone.

20. I didn’t have the ability to cook when I was younger.
I...couldn’t /wasn’t able to cook when I was younger.


1.I’m sorry that I didn’t study enough.
I...should have studied more.

2.I’m sure that he has finished the exercise.
He...must have finished the exercise.

3.It wasn’t necessary for them to have reserved the tickets.
They...needn’t have reserved the tickets.

4.I think that Ridley Scott didn’t direct this film.
Ridley Scott... can’t have directed this film.

5.You didn’t write as many words as possible.
You...should have written as many words as possible.

6.It was wrong of you to go to that party.
You...shouldn’t have gone to the party.

7.She was able to run faster but she didn’t.
She...could have run faster.

8.We are certain that it was a disaster.
It...must have been a disaster.

9.It wasn’t a good idea for the government to apply all those economic measures.
The government...shouldn’t have applied all those economic measures.
10.I can’t believe your boyfriend began smoking.
Your boyfriend can’t have begun smoking.