lunes, 16 de diciembre de 2013


Have a look at these pictures and try to guess the meaning of the phrasal verbs. Then write them down on your notebook.

Phrasal Verbs and other multi-word verbs

Phrasal verbs are part of a large group of verbs called "multi-word verbs". Phrasal verbs and other multi-word verbs are an important part of the English language. Multi-word verbs, including phrasal verbs, are very common, especially in spoken English. A multi-word verb is a verb like "pick up", "turn on" or "get on with". For convenience, many people refer to all multi-word verbs as phrasal verbs. These verbs consist of a basic verb + another word or words. The other word(s) can be prepositions and/or adverbs. The two or three words that make up multi-word verbs form a short "phrase" - which is why these verbs are often all called "phrasal verbs".
The important thing to remember is that a multi-word verb is still a verb. "Get" is a verb. "Get up", is also a verb, a different verb. "Get" and "get up" are two different verbs. They do not have the same meaning. So you should treat each multi-word verb as a separate verb, and learn it like any other verb. Look at these examples. You can see that there are three types of multi-word verb:

single-word verblookdirect your eyes in a certain directionYou must look before you leap.
phrasal verblook upsearch for and find information in a reference bookYou can look up my number in the telephone directory.
prepositional verblook aftertake care ofWho is looking after the baby?
phrasal-prepositional verblook forward toanticipate with pleasureI look forward to meeting you.

domingo, 1 de diciembre de 2013


Commonly used expressions in formal letter. Click here.

Follow the link to read examples of formal letters. Click here and here.


                                DIFFERENT PARTS IN A FORMAL LETTER.
Follow the link.


1) Your Address
The return address should be written in the top right-hand corner of the letter.
2) The Address of the person you are writing to
The inside address should be written on the left, starting below your address.


Different people put the date on different sides of the page. You can write this on the right or the left on the line after the address you are writing to. Write the month as a word.

Salutation or greeting:

1) Dear Sir or Madam,
If you do not know the name of the person you are writing to, use this. It is always advisable to try to find out a name.
2) Dear Mr Jenkins,
If you know the name, use the title (Mr, Mrs, Miss or Ms, Dr, etc.) and the surname only. If you are writing to a woman and do not know if she uses Mrs or Miss, you can use Ms, which is for married and single women.

Ending a letter:

1) Yours faithfully If you do not know the name of the person, end the letter this way.
2) Yours sincerely
If you know the name of the person, end the letter this way.
3) Your signature
Sign your name, then print it underneath the signature. If you think the person you are writing to might not know whether you are male of female, put you title in brackets after your name.

Content of a Formal Letter     

The first paragraph should be short and state the purpose of the letter- to make an enquiry, complain, request something, etc.

The paragraph or paragraphs in the middle of the letter should contain the relevant information behind the writing of the letter. Most letters in English are not very long, so keep the information to the essentials and concentrate on organising it in a clear and logical manner rather than expanding too much.
The last paragraph of a formal letter should state what action you expect the recipient to take- to refund, send you information, etc.

1. Dear Mr. Williams __________________________

2. See you later __________________________
3. Yours sincerely, Alan Stewart __________________________
4. Hi, how’s it going? __________________________
5. Lots of love, from Jermaine __________________________
6. Yours faithfully __________________________
7. Dear Madam __________________________
8. Dear Jeff __________________________
9. Take care __________________________
10.I look forward to hearing from you soon __________________________
11. Sorry I haven’t written for a while __________________________
12. Please can you send me an application form? __________________________
13. Best wishes, from Tracey __________________________
14. Please say hi to Pardeep for me – thanks! __________________________
15. We are writing to inform you that… __________________________

ACTIVITY 2. Choose the formal option:

Dear Mr Sexton,
I thought I’d write/ I am writing to complain about the state of the
yard/condition of the playground. Over the last two weeks, I have
noticed loads of rubbish/a great deal of litter.
I reckon/It is my opinion that this litter is a health hazard. For example,
yesterday a year 4 boy fell over and cut his hand on a broken bottle. The
boy I’m talking about/The boy in question needed four stitches.
Furthermore/On top of this, the litter is an eyesore. Our school has
beautiful views of the river and these are wrecked/spoiled by the litter.
I believe/I reckon that there are a load of things/a number of things
that you could do to fix/rectify this problem. Firstly, it may be posible
for you/you could purchase additional litterbins. This would help
stop/prevent people discarding their litter recklessly/willy-nilly.
What’s more/In addition, I think that our school needs better/more
adequate security to prevent vandals littering.
To finish/In conclusion, I hope you will take my concerns seriously and
I look forward to your reply/you writing back to me.

Yours Sincerely/Yours Faithfully

sábado, 30 de noviembre de 2013


"If there were only joy in the world, we could never learn to be brave and patient."    Helen Keller              

The Miracle Worker depicts the themes of discipline, learning, growth, family respect and communication, and hope. Helen Keller, a young southern blind and deaf girl becomes aware of language, love, and obedience, which changes not only her future but the lives of everyone else connected to her, especially her family. Annie Sullivan, her slum-bred, half-blind teacher dedicates herself to releasing Helen from the prison of silence and unknowing. 

Read these two opinions of people who have enjoyed this film. Pay attention to the vocabulary used to describe the film and to show admiration. Then write a comment with your own opinion about the most interesting aspects of this film considered by many a master piece: 

"Where do I begin? Shall I speak of Mrs Bancroft's performance,one of the finest you can watch on a screen? Shall I tell about Patty Duke's tour de force? Shall I praise the mind-boggling work of Arthur Penn, mastering the long fight around the table? This movie is a miracle in itself. Behind her dark spectacles, the teacher hides buried terrors, that's why she's bound to understand her unusual pupil. She knows that the solution to her problems lies in herself, that the family is a prison .The parents do not see (or do not want to see) that they erect a wall between their daughter and the world outside by poisoning her with protection.That's why Annie seems brutal, hard on Helen. She could not have broken the wall if she had been a "nice" teacher. Among all Penn's great movies ,"miracle worker" is the only one that has an optimistic end.Since,other directors have tackled the autism (children of a lesser God, Rain Man )but no one has surpassed this black and white gem. 

"This movie made a strong impression on me when I saw it on Tv as a lad and I have revisited it a few more times but it had been a decade since I saw it last. My daughter had done a book report on Helen Keller recently and was very moved by her story. I mentioned the Miracle Worker, so we rented it and viewed it tonight and it still packs a wallop and the performances are first rate. Patty Duke won the best supporting Oscar that year and deserved it (even though she beat out Mary Badham who played Scout in To Kill A Mockingbird -- what a year for young actresses!!!) and Anne Bancroft is amazing as the tough, determined Anne Sullivan. A wonderful film." 

Now, to end this activity, check your knowledge doing this quiz: 

1.  What was the first word Helen was able to understand?
A. Mama
B. Water
C. House
D. Anne
2.  Was Helen Keller born deaf and blind?
A. Yes
B. No 
3.  Why does Helen rip off Anne Sullivan's button from her dress?
A. Helen wants to see what it is
B. Helen likes buttons
C. Helen wants eyes on her doll
D. None of these answers are correct
4.  Why did Helen's family give her candy?
A. To get Helen to be quiet
B. To award her for positive actions
C. Helen asked for candy
D. Helen would not eat anything else
5.  Why was Anne Sullivan hired?
A. to help the slaves
B. to cook
C. to help Helen
D. she was just a close friend
6.  Why does Helen ride in the carriage for hours before going to the back house?
A. Helen likes carriage rides
B. The family had nothing better to do
C. So Helen does not figure out where she is
D. None of the above
7.  Where does Helen first hide the key after she locks Anne in her room?
A. Her dress
B. Her mouth
C. Her hand
D. None of the above
8.  Where do the Kellers live?
A. Florida
B. California
C. Alabama
D. New York
9.  Anne Sullivan was blind, but she got surgery numerous times to help with her sight.
A. True
B. False
10.  What is the first thing Anne teaches Helen?
A. Obedience
B. Honesty
C. Leadership
D. Forgiveness 

viernes, 15 de noviembre de 2013


1. Esta información podría ser cierta, pero debemos llamar al director para asegurarnos.
2. Podría haber aprobado el examen, pero no estudié lo suficiente.
3. Deberíamos darnos prisa. No debemos llegar tarde otra vez.
4. No tenemos que llevar uniforme. Esta es una escuela pública.
5. Coge el paraguas. Podría llover.
6. Es posible que Marta haya olvidado nuestra cita. Debería haber llegado a las seis y son las seis y media.
7. No es posible que ellos hayan escuchado la explosión. Viven demasiado lejos de aquí.
8. No hace falta que compres el libro. Yo puedo prestártelo.
9. Es posible que no venga. Está muy ocupada.
10. -Mi hermana podría haberme ayudado pero no quiso. -Entonces debes de estar molesta con ella.


Go to this website to practise rephrasing with modal verbs. There are four activities dealing with modal verbs on the left.

martes, 5 de noviembre de 2013


Modal verbs

The modal verbs include can, must, may, might, will, would, should. They are used with other verbs to express ability, obligation, possibility, and so on. Below is a list showing the most useful modals and their most common meanings:
Modal Meaning Example
can to express ability I can speak a little Russian.
can to request permission Can I open the window?
may to express possibility I may be home late.
may to request permission May I sit down, please?
must to express obligation I must go now.
must to express strong belief She must be over 90 years old.
should to give advice You should stop smoking.
would to request or offer Would you like a cup of tea?
would in if-sentences If I were you, I would say sorry.

Modal verbs are unlike other verbs. They do not change their form (spelling) and they have no infinitive or participle (past/present). The modals must and can need substitute verbs to express obligation or ability in the different tenses. Here are some examples:
Past simple Sorry I'm late. I had to finish my math test.
Present perfect She's had to return to Korea at short notice.
Future You'll have to work hard if you want to pass the exams.
Infinitive I don't want to have to go.

Past simple I couldn't/wasn't able to walk until I was 3 years old.
Present perfect I haven't been able to solve this problem. Can you help?
Future I'm not sure if I will be able to come to your party.
Infinitive I would love to be able to play the piano.

Modals are auxiliary verbs. They do not need an additional auxiliary in negatives or questions. For example: Must I come? (Do I must come?), or: He shouldn't smoke (He doesn't should smoke).
Important: The explanations and examples on this page are just an introduction to this extensive and complex area of English grammar. Students of English who want to learn more should consult a good reference work, such as Swan's Practical English Usage.
Do a quiz on modal verbs.

Frankfurt International School: Art and artists. (Click to see at full size.)

Connecting Words

Connecting Words

Choose the connecting word that completes the
sentences meaningfully.

  1. I don't know ___ you want to meet that lady. She's such a snob.
  2. He looks ___ he were sick.
    even if
    even though
    as if, as though
  3. He asked ___ he could smoke a cigarette.
    whether, if
  4. He insists ___ I be there.
    as if
  5. He punished the little boy ___ put salt in his coffee.
  6. It was raining hard ___ we left the office.
  7. He'll have the work done ___ that you arrive.
    by the time
  8. ___ I was saying, how many of you want to attend the conference?
  9. He must be rich, ___ he spends a lot of money on gifts for his girlfriend.
    in order to
  10. We have been having problems with the heater ___ we bought it.
  11. ___ he said did not please us.
  12. I liked the car, ___ I bought it.
    even so
  13. The picture ___ is hanging over my bed was painted by an art student.
  14. Her parents will be very happy ___ she passes with flying colors.
    so that

domingo, 27 de octubre de 2013


Translation is a really useful activity to revise some of the grammar and vocabulary we have gone through in units 1 and 2.

1. ¿Cuánto tiempo hace que conoces a Peter? Le conozco desde hace cuatro años.

2. Hace siglos que no veo a tu hermana. La última vez que quedamos fue hace tres meses.

3. Esta es mi foto favorita. La imagen es impactante y a la vez conmovedora.

4. -¿Has visto a Robert? –Sí, acaba de llegar a la fiesta.

5.-¿Ya has decidido dónde vas a ir de vacaciones el verano que viene? –Sí, ya he decidido que quiero viajar a París, pero no he reservado los billetes todavía.

6.-Los profesores prefieren alumnos obedientes, puntuales y trabajadores. Sin embargo algunos alumnos son perezosos, maleducados y cabezotas.

7.-¿Quién te llamó ayer por la noche? –Era mi prima María. ¿Y tú? ¿Con quién estabas hablando a esa hora?

8.-Cuando alguien me hace una foto siempre poso y sonrío. Nunca hago muecas ni frunzo el ceño.

9.-Tan pronto como llamamos por teléfono, la policía llegó al lugar del accidente. La escena era dramática. Había tres personas atrapadas en un coche.

10.-Los amigos sociables son mejores que los amigos en los que puedas confiar.  –No estoy de acuerdo. Me siento más segura con amigos que están siempre ahí cuando los necesito.

viernes, 25 de octubre de 2013


Listen to the song and correct the mistakes in the lyrics.


Present perfect or past simple. Exercise 1  Exercise 2
Present perfect or present perfect continuous. Exercise 3

Anyone who 1 ……………………….. (ever /look) for information on the Internet 2 ………………………..(know) the name Google. Every day, more than three million Google users 3 ……………………….. (find) the information they 4 ……………………….. (need) amongst the enormous mass of data on the Internet. It's the world's biggest search engine. Google 5 ……………………….. (come) a long way since the time it was just a university research project. Its creators, Larry Page and Sergey Brin 6 ……………………….. (study) computer science at Stanford University when they first 7 ……………………….. (meet). In 1996, they 8 ……………………….. (start) working on their new search engine which 9 ……………………….. (attract) a lot of attention and by 1998, their project 10 ……………………….. (become) a business company with a popular website. Now, Google 11 ……………………….. (think) about plans for e-mail on the moon. It sounds like a dream, but with their success record, Google 12 ………………………..probably ……………………….. (succeed) in making it happen.

2. TENSE REVIEW. Complete the text with any suitable tense form of the verbs in brackets.

Sue Thomas is a fashion designer. She (1)…………………………. (make) clothes ever since she (2)…………………………. (be) a young girl. She (3)…………………………. (get) her first job in a clothes factory when she was sixteen. She (4)…………………………. (sew) buttons onto a shirt one day when she (5)…………………………. (have) a brilliant idea for a design. After (6) …………………………. (speak) to her bank manager, she got a loan and she (7)…………………………. (open) her own little workshop. Now she (8)…………………………. (make) lots of money. Next year she (9)…………………………. (open) a shop which will sell all her own designs. She (10)…………………………. (sell) clothes to a lot of famous people, including film stars and singers, and she (11)…………………………. (think) she will be very rich soon.

Present Perfect and Past Simple:
  1. I haven’t seen Alice for ages = It’s ages since I last saw Alice ( SINCE + PAST SIMPLE)
  2. 2.       She started to teach 13 years ago = She has taught for 13 years
  3. 3.       We last visited Rome three years ago = We haven’t visited Rome for three years
  4. It’s 3 months since she last phoned me = The last time she phoned me was three months ago ( LAST TIME + PAST SIMPLE)
  5. Peter has never heard classical music before = It’s the first time Peter has heard classical music (FIRST TIME + PRESENT PERFECT)
  6. 6.       This is the silliest joke I have ever heard = I have never heard such a silly joke before
  7. 7.       I arrived in London last week and I’m still here = I have been in London for a week.
  8. 8.       When did you meet Antonio? = How long have you known Antonio?

Practice rephrasing with the present perfect:
  1. When did you meet Antonio? = How long…
  2. I arrived in London last week and I’m still here = I have…
  3. This is the most ridiculous idea I’ve heard = I haven
  4. Rocío has dinner at eight o’clock, and it’s 9 o’clock now = Rocío…
  5. I started teaching twenty years ago = I have…
  6. Virginia was at the party two minutes ago, but she is no longer here = Virginia has…
  7. My baby hasn’t learnt to tell the time, and he is already six = My baby, six, hasn’t…
  8. My baby has learnt to tell the time, and he is only four = My baby, four, has…
  9. I haven’t seen a worst film before = This is…
  10. Gasol’s romance with basketball began at the age of five = Gasol has loved basketball …
  11. Frank lost his job three months ago = Frank has been…
  12. The man who murdered JFK is still free = The Police haven’t..
  13. This is my second visit to Hungary = This is the second time…
  14. Mary started learning French five years ago = Mary has…
  15. After I arrived here, I started to feel better = I have…
  16. It’s over twenty years since we got married = We have…
  17. The last time they saw each other was in 1994 = They haven’t …
  18. The last time I ice-skated was ten years ago = I haven’t …
  19. I haven’t seen a worst film before = This is …
  20. It’s a long time since I last went to a football match = I haven’t …
  21. She started writing this book two years ago = She has …
  22. They last wrote me 20 years ago = They haven’t …
  23. She  bought this car 2 months ago = She has …
  24. She hasn’t worked for 3 years = It’s …
  25. Mary hasn’t swum for years = It’s …
  26. Peter hasn’t shown me his house for 15 years = It’s …
  27. They haven’t visited us for ages = It’s …
  28. It’s three years since I last ran a marathon = I haven’t …
  29. It’s ages since she last won an Oscar = She hasn’t …
  30. It’s years since they swept the house for the last time = They haven’t …
  31. It’s 15 years since he lit his last cigarette = He hasn’t …
  32. It’s 14 years since she lent me her car for the last time = She hasn’t …
  33. It’s years since I last took a holiday = The last time …
  34. I haven’t seen Peter for a long time = The last time …
  35. He has never behaved like this before = It’s the first time …
  36. I haven’t talked to George for 4 days = It’s …
  37. I have never seen a more beautiful girl = She is …

martes, 15 de octubre de 2013



Listen to the song "Hand in my pocket" by Alanis Morissette and tell us what she is like:



Personality Adjectives

Use these adjectives to fill in the gaps:

Someone who...

1. talks a lot is ...................
2. is always on time is ...................
3. doesn’t like to do any work is ....................
4. likes to give presents is .........................
5. thinks good things will happen is ...........................
6. always tells the truth is .......................
7. does what he is told is ..........................
8. is always there for you is ........................
9. makes people laugh is ......................
10. is open and nice is .......................

Use these opposite adjectives of the words used above to answers the questions below:
late / mean / hard-working / dishonest / quiet / serious / pessimistic / unreliable / unfriendly / disobedient
  • 1. The opposite of talkative is:
  • 2. The opposite of punctual is:
  • 3. The opposite of lazy is:
  • 4. The opposite of generous is:
  • 5. The opposite of optimistic is:
  • 6. The opposite of honest is:
  • 7. The opposite of obedient is:
  • 8. The opposite of reliable is:
  • 9. The opposite of funny is:
  • 9. The opposite of friendly is:




Opposites Vocabulary
Directions: Match the columns. Write the letters on the lines.

1. _____ big         a. cheap

2. _____ cold        b. cloudy

3. _____ loud        c. cranky

4. _____ full         d. difficult

5. _____ easy        e. dishonest

6. _____ expensive      f. empty

7. _____ short         g. few

8. _____ neat        h. hot

9. _____ heavy        i. lethargic

10. _____ polite       j. light

11. _____ rich        k. little

12. _____ honest      l. long

13. _____ new        m. mean

14. _____ sunny       n. messy

15. _____ cheerful       o. old

16. _____ many        p. poor

17. _____ thin         q. quiet

18. _____ boring      r. rude

19. _____ kind        s. interesting

20. _____ energetic      t. thick

1. __K little___ big        

2. __h hot___ cold       

3. __q  quiet___ loud       

4. __f  empty___ full        

5. _d  difficult____ easy       

6. __a   cheap___ expensive     
7. __l   long___ short        

8. _n  messy____ neat        

9. _j  light____ heavy       

10. _r   rude____ polite      

11. _p    poor____ rich       

12. __e   dishonest___ honest     

13. __ o old___ new       

14. __b   cloudy___ sunny      

15. _c  cranky ____ cheerful      

16. _g  few____ many       

17. _t   thick____ thin        

18. _s  interesting ____ boring     

19. __m   mean___ kind       

20. __i   lethargic___ energetic      

domingo, 13 de octubre de 2013


Verb Patterns

You knowledge of verb patterns such as gerund and infinitive is frequently tested.

For Questions 1-8, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words.

1. It's really important that you pay the bill today.
You must ................................................ the bill today.

2. I think it would be a good idea if you joined the beginner's class.
I .................................................... the beginners class.

3. Meeting John in town was really surprising.
I ..................................................... John in town.
4. In the future she became a successful business woman.
She ................................................... a successful business woman.
5. I'll help you with your homework.
I ...................................................... you with your homework.
6. I hated driving on the left at first but now it's OK.
I ....................................................... on the left now.
7. Don't bother to apply for the job.
There ......................................................... for the job.

8. Were you successful in passing the exam?
Did ............................................................ the exam?

lunes, 7 de octubre de 2013

Eight killed at Mexican air show

Eight killed at Mexican air show after monster truck rams into crowd

Dozens remain hospitalised after authorities say driver of the truck lost control while leaping over a pile of cars it was crushing
Mexico monster truck crash
Spectators react after a monster truck rammed the stand where they were watching a rally show at El Rejon park. Photograph: Reuters
An out-of-control monster truck shot into a crowd of spectators at a Mexican air show on Saturday killing at least eight people and hurting 80 others, dozens seriously.
Carlos Gonzalez, a spokesman for the Chihuahua state prosecutors' office, said the driver appeared to have lost control of the truck after leaping over a pile of cars it was crushing during a demonstration at the Extreme Aeroshow. Some witnesses said the driver appeared to have hit his head on the interior of the truck as he drove over the old cars, with at least two reporting seeing his helmet come off before the massive vehicle drove into the crowd of terrified spectators, who tried to flee.
"I fell over, and when I turned around I saw the tire very close. It hit me and threw me to the other side," Jesus Manuel Ibarra, 41, said as he was treated for injuries to his arm and hip.
Gonzalez said the accident killed at least one child and hurt 80 people, 46 of whom remained hospitalised early on Sunday. He said the number of dead and injured could rise as officials received updated information Sunday morning. The local health system listed the names of 67 injured people on its Facebook page, calling urgently for blood donations and help from local doctors and nurses.
Gonzalez said prosecutors were looking into the possibility of a mechanical failure that left the driver unable to release the gas pedal. Several witnesses said, however, that the driver appeared to have become incapacitated when he struck his head during the show, in which the truck drives at high speed over smaller cars, leaping into the air as it crushes their roofs.
Spectator Daniel Dominguez, 18, said he was happily watching the show with a group of relatives when the truck came down hard in the middle of the cars.
"The driver hit his head and his helmet flew off," Dominguez said. "The truck came directly at where we were." His 11-year-old sister was in surgery for injuries to her legs, and his mother was treated for minor contusions.
The air show was canceled after the accident, which happened on the second day of three in a park on the outskirts of Chihuahua, the capital of Chihuahua state.

miércoles, 2 de octubre de 2013


-In the first paragraph give general information about the book (author, title, genre, time, importance, etc.)
-Summarize the plot
-Describe the settings
-Describe the book's main characters
-Give a balanced opinion of the story (strengths and  weaknesses)

Go to this link to read more ideas and a model of a book review written by a teacher:

How to write a book review

miércoles, 18 de septiembre de 2013


In Grease, Sandy transforms from a goody-goody girl to a Sandy dressed in leather and smoking. Which look do you prefer?

Now listen to the song and complete the activity:


1. Rachel is smarter than her brother Tom. NOT
Tom is ...................................his sister Rachel.

2. This house costs less than the flat we visited last week. IS
This house ...............................the flat we visited last week.

3. Shakespeare was an extremely talented writer. MOST
Shakespeare was one ........................................writers in the world.

4. I preferred this singer with longer hair. LESS
I preferred this singer with................................................. hair.

5. This computer is the cheapest one I’ve found. EXPENSIVE
This computer is the.....................................................I’ve found.

6. Peter’s flat wasn’t as elegantly decorated as Mary’s. MORE
Mary’s flat was....................................................................than Peter’s.

7. It can take much less time to go on foot than to travel by bus. LOT
Travelling by bus can ...................................................................... going on foot.

8. Harry wears smarter clothes now he has a girlfriend. LESS
Harry wore.................................................................when he didn’t have a girlfriend.

9. That building is quite new. I thought it was older. AS
That building is not ..................................................I thought.

10. For me, Colin Firth is acting much better than other actors today.    FAR

 For me, Colin Firth is by ........................................................... today. 
11. The food was so good we had to leave a tip. 
SUCH It ........................................... we had to leave a tip.

12. The computer was too expensive for me to buy. 
ENOUGH  I ........................................... money to buy the computer.
13. It's the most beautiful painting I've ever seen. 
I ............................................ beautiful painting.
14. This summer has been much cooler than last year. 
Last summer .................................. this year.
15. I'm not as good at maths as you. 
You ......................................... me.
16. The course wasn't as easy as I'd expected. 
The course ........................................ I'd expected.
17. This car isn't safe enough to drive. 
This car ........................................ drive.
18. This exercise is easier than the last one. 
This exercise ....................................... the last one.