sábado, 30 de noviembre de 2013


"If there were only joy in the world, we could never learn to be brave and patient."    Helen Keller              

The Miracle Worker depicts the themes of discipline, learning, growth, family respect and communication, and hope. Helen Keller, a young southern blind and deaf girl becomes aware of language, love, and obedience, which changes not only her future but the lives of everyone else connected to her, especially her family. Annie Sullivan, her slum-bred, half-blind teacher dedicates herself to releasing Helen from the prison of silence and unknowing. 

Read these two opinions of people who have enjoyed this film. Pay attention to the vocabulary used to describe the film and to show admiration. Then write a comment with your own opinion about the most interesting aspects of this film considered by many a master piece: 

"Where do I begin? Shall I speak of Mrs Bancroft's performance,one of the finest you can watch on a screen? Shall I tell about Patty Duke's tour de force? Shall I praise the mind-boggling work of Arthur Penn, mastering the long fight around the table? This movie is a miracle in itself. Behind her dark spectacles, the teacher hides buried terrors, that's why she's bound to understand her unusual pupil. She knows that the solution to her problems lies in herself, that the family is a prison .The parents do not see (or do not want to see) that they erect a wall between their daughter and the world outside by poisoning her with protection.That's why Annie seems brutal, hard on Helen. She could not have broken the wall if she had been a "nice" teacher. Among all Penn's great movies ,"miracle worker" is the only one that has an optimistic end.Since,other directors have tackled the autism (children of a lesser God, Rain Man )but no one has surpassed this black and white gem. 

"This movie made a strong impression on me when I saw it on Tv as a lad and I have revisited it a few more times but it had been a decade since I saw it last. My daughter had done a book report on Helen Keller recently and was very moved by her story. I mentioned the Miracle Worker, so we rented it and viewed it tonight and it still packs a wallop and the performances are first rate. Patty Duke won the best supporting Oscar that year and deserved it (even though she beat out Mary Badham who played Scout in To Kill A Mockingbird -- what a year for young actresses!!!) and Anne Bancroft is amazing as the tough, determined Anne Sullivan. A wonderful film." 

Now, to end this activity, check your knowledge doing this quiz: 

1.  What was the first word Helen was able to understand?
A. Mama
B. Water
C. House
D. Anne
2.  Was Helen Keller born deaf and blind?
A. Yes
B. No 
3.  Why does Helen rip off Anne Sullivan's button from her dress?
A. Helen wants to see what it is
B. Helen likes buttons
C. Helen wants eyes on her doll
D. None of these answers are correct
4.  Why did Helen's family give her candy?
A. To get Helen to be quiet
B. To award her for positive actions
C. Helen asked for candy
D. Helen would not eat anything else
5.  Why was Anne Sullivan hired?
A. to help the slaves
B. to cook
C. to help Helen
D. she was just a close friend
6.  Why does Helen ride in the carriage for hours before going to the back house?
A. Helen likes carriage rides
B. The family had nothing better to do
C. So Helen does not figure out where she is
D. None of the above
7.  Where does Helen first hide the key after she locks Anne in her room?
A. Her dress
B. Her mouth
C. Her hand
D. None of the above
8.  Where do the Kellers live?
A. Florida
B. California
C. Alabama
D. New York
9.  Anne Sullivan was blind, but she got surgery numerous times to help with her sight.
A. True
B. False
10.  What is the first thing Anne teaches Helen?
A. Obedience
B. Honesty
C. Leadership
D. Forgiveness 

viernes, 15 de noviembre de 2013


1. Esta información podría ser cierta, pero debemos llamar al director para asegurarnos.
2. Podría haber aprobado el examen, pero no estudié lo suficiente.
3. Deberíamos darnos prisa. No debemos llegar tarde otra vez.
4. No tenemos que llevar uniforme. Esta es una escuela pública.
5. Coge el paraguas. Podría llover.
6. Es posible que Marta haya olvidado nuestra cita. Debería haber llegado a las seis y son las seis y media.
7. No es posible que ellos hayan escuchado la explosión. Viven demasiado lejos de aquí.
8. No hace falta que compres el libro. Yo puedo prestártelo.
9. Es posible que no venga. Está muy ocupada.
10. -Mi hermana podría haberme ayudado pero no quiso. -Entonces debes de estar molesta con ella.


Go to this website to practise rephrasing with modal verbs. There are four activities dealing with modal verbs on the left.

martes, 5 de noviembre de 2013


Modal verbs

The modal verbs include can, must, may, might, will, would, should. They are used with other verbs to express ability, obligation, possibility, and so on. Below is a list showing the most useful modals and their most common meanings:
Modal Meaning Example
can to express ability I can speak a little Russian.
can to request permission Can I open the window?
may to express possibility I may be home late.
may to request permission May I sit down, please?
must to express obligation I must go now.
must to express strong belief She must be over 90 years old.
should to give advice You should stop smoking.
would to request or offer Would you like a cup of tea?
would in if-sentences If I were you, I would say sorry.

Modal verbs are unlike other verbs. They do not change their form (spelling) and they have no infinitive or participle (past/present). The modals must and can need substitute verbs to express obligation or ability in the different tenses. Here are some examples:
Past simple Sorry I'm late. I had to finish my math test.
Present perfect She's had to return to Korea at short notice.
Future You'll have to work hard if you want to pass the exams.
Infinitive I don't want to have to go.

Past simple I couldn't/wasn't able to walk until I was 3 years old.
Present perfect I haven't been able to solve this problem. Can you help?
Future I'm not sure if I will be able to come to your party.
Infinitive I would love to be able to play the piano.

Modals are auxiliary verbs. They do not need an additional auxiliary in negatives or questions. For example: Must I come? (Do I must come?), or: He shouldn't smoke (He doesn't should smoke).
Important: The explanations and examples on this page are just an introduction to this extensive and complex area of English grammar. Students of English who want to learn more should consult a good reference work, such as Swan's Practical English Usage.
Do a quiz on modal verbs.

Frankfurt International School: Art and artists. (Click to see at full size.)

Connecting Words

Connecting Words

Choose the connecting word that completes the
sentences meaningfully.

  1. I don't know ___ you want to meet that lady. She's such a snob.
  2. He looks ___ he were sick.
    even if
    even though
    as if, as though
  3. He asked ___ he could smoke a cigarette.
    whether, if
  4. He insists ___ I be there.
    as if
  5. He punished the little boy ___ put salt in his coffee.
  6. It was raining hard ___ we left the office.
  7. He'll have the work done ___ that you arrive.
    by the time
  8. ___ I was saying, how many of you want to attend the conference?
  9. He must be rich, ___ he spends a lot of money on gifts for his girlfriend.
    in order to
  10. We have been having problems with the heater ___ we bought it.
  11. ___ he said did not please us.
  12. I liked the car, ___ I bought it.
    even so
  13. The picture ___ is hanging over my bed was painted by an art student.
  14. Her parents will be very happy ___ she passes with flying colors.
    so that