domingo, 21 de mayo de 2017




Tim wandered along the path thinking aloud, "If I continue this diet I should lose twenty pounds by the end of..." when BOOM! he bumped into another city dweller out for a day's walk in the park.
"I'm terribly sorry", he apologized. "I was so caught up in my thoughts I didn't see you!" he managed to stammer. Smiling, Sheila responded, "It's OK. Nothing's broken... No really, I wasn't watching my step either." Suddenly they both stopped making excuses and stared at each other. "Don't I know you from somewhere?" inquired Tim while Sheila exclaimed, "You're Tim, Jack's brother, aren't you?!" They both began to laugh as they had met each other the week before at a party that Jack had given. Still laughing, Tim suggested, "Why don't we have a cup a coffee and donut?" to which Sheila replied, "I thought you wanted to continue your diet!" They both were still laughing by the time they reached the Swimming Donut cafe.​

Later that day Sheila reported the story to her friend Mike.
Fill in the blanks with reported (indirect) speech using the text above: 
As he was walking down the path Tim said if he ____ ____ diet he ____ lose twenty pounds. We bumped into each other. He apologized saying he ____ terribly sorry. I told him it ____ OK, that nothing ____ broken. Tim said he ____ so caught up in ____ thoughts that he ____ ____. He seemed embarrassed, so I added that I ____ my step either. At that moment we recognized each other! He asked me if he ____ ____ from somewhere. I then remembered that he was Jack's brother. We both had a good laugh and then he invited me to have a cup of coffee and a donut. We had a great time together.

viernes, 12 de mayo de 2017


Help Pink Floyd to write the lyrics of one of their most famous songs adding lines to the original version. Write comments!

jueves, 4 de mayo de 2017


Click HERE to practise MODAL PERFECTS and to revise modal and modal perfect verbs.


  1. If I had time, I (GO)  shopping with you.
  2. If you   (SPEAK) English, you will get along with them perfectly.
  3. If they had gone for a walk, they   (TURN) the lights off.
  4. If she  (COME) to see us, we will go to the zoo.
  5. I would have told you, if I   (SEE) him.
  6. Would you mind if I  (OPEN) the window?
  7. If they  (INVITE) me, I wouldn't have said no.
  8. My friend  (MEET) me at the station if he gets the afternoon off.
  9. If I  (DO) it, nobody would do it.
  10. If my father  (NOT PICK) me up, I'll take the bus home.
  1. If they (have)  time at the weekend, they will come to see us.
  2. If we sneak out quietly, nobody (notice) .
  3. If we (know)  about your problem, we would have helped you.
  4. If I (be)  you, I would not buy that dress.
  5. We (arrive)  earlier if we had not missed the bus.
  6. If I didn't have a mobile phone, my life (not / be)  complete.
  7. Okay, I (get)  the popcorn if you buy the drinks.
  8. If I (tell)  you a secret, you would be sure to leak it.
  9. She (go)  out with you if you had only asked her.
  10. I would not have read your diary if you (not hide)  it in such an obvious place.