lunes, 13 de diciembre de 2021



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Adam and Jesus: Truman as "True Man" in Paradise. Entire story can be seen as a parallel to the Garden of Eden story. He can also stand for Jesus, who knows of a higher world and is crucified on the boat, but in this case redeeming himself.
Alternate Reality: the "door" which leads to another reality toward end of movie.
Baptism or death to the old life and re-birth to a new one: since he must go through the water to reach "real" life. Note that the water is always there, calling to him in the film, but his fear holds him back. In his final surrender to the water, he finds life.
Courage: Truman confronts his fear of water (chaos/death) to escape his scripted "paradise."
Crucifixion: Truman on boat, knocked out in shape of cross.
Decision: Truman's departure symbolizes his decision to leave his "perfect" but controlled world for the real world.
Difficulty Recognizing Evil: At the conclusion of the movie, Christof (Truman Show creator) tries to convince Truman Burbank to stay in the imaginary world Christof has created. The setting (a voice from the sky) and the words being said sound a lot like God at first. Upon further reflection, however, it's clear that the show's creator is trying to coax Truman to remain in slavery and is only interested in himself, not in Truman.
Evil/Social manipulation: Christof exerting God-like control. (Christ off – absence of Christ)  
Exodus/Moses: Truman crossing the sea to freedom.
Fear: Truman standing at edge of water afraid to cross because of implanted memory of father's death. Also fog represents our fear of the unknown.
Garden of Eden/Paradise:Truman leaves the illusory "paradise" at end of movie.
Illusion/Reality: Truman only thinks he lives in Seahaven, the "real world"
Indecision, uncertainty and lack of self-confidence is symbolized by the unfinished bridge.
Journey: journey to Reality symbolized as a staircase.
Love: love he feels isn't in the script, compels Truman to leave his "paradise"
Resurrection – Overcoming inner fears to get to know the truth: The friend went to the basement to find Truman (The empty tomb). He was not there! He was on a boat on the water. Notice the drowning scene when he is lying on the boat with arms spread out and left for dead. However, he survives the storm. Notice his gasp for air, his new life, resurrection? When he reaches the end of the set and notices the sky is only a painted canvas, Truman ascends the stairs. He then goes forth into the unknown darkness of the world to live in the world!
Walking on ledge of reality: Truman walking on water.  
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This is an introductory summary of some of the key themes shown in the trailer.

1. Commercialism

The theme of commercialism is important in ‘The Truman Show’. Commercialism means the belief that money and goods are the most important things in life. The Truman Show uses a lot of product placement. This is a kind of advertising where a product for sale is shown as part of the show. Everything on The Truman Show is for sale, and Truman’s wife Meryl often speaks directly to the diegetic audience (the audience in the film) to give product placement spiels.

2. The power of the media

A key theme in the film is the power of the media. Media means the television, internet, radio, and all other ways information is given to the public. Media is powerful because it can change what people think and how they see the world. The media can hide or show the truth, and it can control people’s behaviour. In the world of the film, Christof controls the media and the audience are the consumers of the media.

3. The search for truth

A key theme of The Truman Show is the search for truth. Everything in Truman’s world is fake. The places are sets. The events are scripted. The people, including his wife and his best friends, are actors. Christof and the people around Truman deceive (lie to) him to manipulate (control) his actions. Truman’s wants to reveal the truth and this leads to the main conflicts of the narrative.

4. Rebellion and freedom

Two related themes are rebellion and freedom. Truman does not know this in the beginning, but he is a prisoner who has no freedom. Everything in his life is controlled by Christof. Everyone around Truman conforms to the rules of the show. To ‘conform’, means to follow the rules and do the same things as everyone around you. The opposite is to rebel. As Truman learns more about his situation, he starts to rebel and try to find freedom.


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